Sunday, June 10, 2018

Purple WhatsApp

Anyone fancy joining a Purple Persuasion WhatsApp group, to keep up to speed with Purple events as and when they happen? I can set it up.

All you need do is -

1) Download WhatsApp on to your mobile.

2) Email or text me your mobile number ( or 07771 971488) and your surname(!).  NB I lost nearly all my contacts (email & phone) when I retired from the NT, so I probably don't have your number, even if I should...

3) Then say Yes to the Purple WhatsApp invite.  

You can then send and enjoy messages and images via your mobile phone.

I can't face doing Facebook...

THIS BUTTERFLY IS IMMINENT and should emerge in excellent numbers at most sites (probably excluding Savernake).  This could be a season to remember... 

1 comment:

  1. will someone called Andy, who texted me today, please resend - I messed it up! (and which Andy is it anyway?!!!)


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