Monday, July 1, 2019

Knepp Blasts Off!

Five days into the flight season and at last a good hatch of Emperors here today, including the first female of the year. I saw 56, and didn't go out until 1.30. My tally included a tussle of six and a couple each of four. 

I also saw them sallow searching for the first time this year. At least three were seen feeding on the ground today, favouring (organic) cow pat. 

Prior to today Emperors been thinly distributed and surprisingly inactive. It's unusual for numbers to build up so slowly, usually they come out with a bang here after a couple of starter days.

Here's Vicious Thug of the Day, a particularly malevolent male who had taken over a territory called The Bay of Assassins. He saw off a brace of carrion crows and several males - 

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