Thursday, August 1, 2019

It's a wrap at Fermyn

2019 was not a bad year at Fermyn, but perhaps His Majesty was not as prolific as the last few years. Extensive ride widening may have had an impact on the usual hotspots, but I'm sure the unsettled weather in the weeks leading up to emergence played it's part. A late year, with first sightings occurring well into the first week of July (a whole two weeks later than 2018). Once out, they did not come in a rush either with pristine individuals present after what would normally be their 'sell by date'. So quality, not quantity this year.....but those abs! 👌


  1. Perhaps we have had it too good the last couple of years John and this is normal? Lovely set of shots. Roll on next year, Foxley looks promising.

    1. Thanks Brian. It was quite hard at times, but always worth it in the end. There's always that 'buzz' at Fermyn, as you never quite know what might turn up.


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