Tuesday, May 12, 2020

KIck Off Predictions...

I am predicting that the first Purple Emperor of the 2020 season will be seen on June 7th, but I may bring it forward (to the 3rd). 

Neil Hulme is going for June 10th.  

One of us is invariably right.

Whatever, the second half of June is going to be the best time to look for the Emperor this year, lockdowns permitting. Don't leave it til mid-July, you'll be too late.   

My book His Imperial Majesty, a natural history of the Purple Emperor is being printed now and will be out on June 11th. The cheapest pre-publication offer is from NHBS. 

Read the introduction Adrift on the Wind and Chapter 7 How to look for Purple Emperors before you go out Emperoring. The rest can wait.  

Enjoy your Emperors, they're going to be utterly manic this year...  

Anyone dedicated to studying the Emperor is welcome to join the People of Purple Persuasion WhatsApp group. You need to have downloaded Whatsapp on to your mobile and then need to text me your number. Mine is 07771 971488. NB we are Extreme, as is the butterfly...  Also, this is not really a photographers app group. 

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