Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Tues June 23rd at Knepp

It was hard work, by Knepp's mighty standards. I struggled to see 72 apparent individuals, all male, in a nine-hour marathon.

So, no Big Bang emergence yet, just a steady stream.  

I saw little sallow searching, just after 10am for a short while, then then went exploring the oak fringe. Perhaps the females weren't emerging?

No two Purple Emperor seasons are alike, but this one's very un-alike...

Note that in this heatwave both sexes are prone to conking out between 3.30 and around 5.30, a gentle siesta. I'll conk out with them. 

Also, look out for sap runs (watch the wasps and hornets): they're taking in a lot of sap in this heat...

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