Saturday, July 4, 2020

Apatura iris in drizzle

Neil Hulme and I just managed to maintain our 100% record of showing Emperors to Knepp Wildland Safari groups. We've been running these since 2014 and have had several close shaves with the weather, but today's was the closest yet...

The morning safari group was greeted by a mindless drizzle. Somehow, when all seemed lost, I managed to spot a male comatose, and probably paralytic, on a sap run, high up on an oak. He'd probably been there since yesterday evening, when the weather suddenly closed in.  

The afternoon became increasingly dull, but produced two minutes of glimmeringness which stimulated a male into action. He'd probably come off another feeder tree. Ten minutes later we spotted one resettling high up on a 'master oak', having been blown out by a rising wind.

The weather is forecast to turn 'unseasonably windy tonight and into tomorrow'. Wish us well.

All this, and St Swithun still to come...

1 comment:

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