Monday, June 28, 2021

Still Not Out...

  None again today at Knepp or at Bookham Common. This is making the sighting at Ditchling Common on the 23rd stand out like a sore thumb, though BC have accepted it.

  Story: 2 years ago Neil and I almost fell out. A couple of large dark butterflies were briefly seen chasing each about over some distant oaks. I swear they were Emperors, the first of the year, but Neil who was closer to them and has better eyesight is adamant they were Red Ads. I gave way to him. 'Many will come in my name', as it sayeth in the Good Book...

  Just how late a season it this is illustrated by the fact that Purple  and White-letter hairstreaks are still not out at Knepp - the Emperor follows them - and today I saw my first summer brood Green-veined Whites - that's late.  

  Tomorrow, perhaps... 

Good to see a mating pair of Commas, at 5pm. Only the second time I've seen this species mating. Very few people have...

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