Sunday, June 20, 2021

Visiting Knepp

  Knepp Castle Estate is looking forward to welcoming visitors to see Purple Emperors this summer. 

  However, we are not expecting a large emergence, due to damage done last summer (gales during the flight season reduced the egg lay considerably, then many sallows dropped leaves during a severe drought in late July / early August). To be honest, I've no idea what numbers are going to be like here this year!  

  We ask Purple visitors to keep to designated routes and parking areas.  

  The estate's Purple Emperor Safaris are sold out.

  But once again we've produced an annotated map for visitors wanting to see Emperors, a self-guided walk. This costs £5 per car group, and is available from the carpark attendants at the main entrance at Dial Post. 

  The route has been improved, to take in more of the really good areas. It's quite a walk, and you need to go a fair way before you get into the main Emperor areas (though Emperors can be seen anywhere on and around the estate). Just follow the purple ribbon, laid out along the designated route - the best spots are marked by ribbon clusters. 

Please come properly equipped, with suitable footwear, food and drink. Knepp Wildland is huge, and is not a place you can drop in to for a quick visit.  

  We are being asked NOT to park on the verges along Countryman Lane but to use the main car park at Dial Post.

  My guess is that Emperors should be starting at Knepp next weekend (26th-27th - but the cool weather forecast for this week may hold them back), peak numbers will be flying during the second week of July, and the butterfly will be done by August (don't visit after July 25th, unless you know precisely where to look). But this is a difficult season to predict...

  Regular updates will be provided on this Blog.

  Happy Emperoring!  



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