Saturday, June 25, 2022

A Day of Searching and Struggling at Alice Holt

 The weather was not being very sporting today at Alice Holt, Hants. There was a stiff breeze to contend with and the cloud was winning the battle with the sun. i was playing the waiting game late morning into the afternoon. As nothing was happening Emperor wise I decided to have a walk along the track and almost immediately I saw a male Purple Emperor very briefly circling an oak. This happened again a bit further on along the track. I reckon I saw 3 individuals in separate brief sightings, into mid-afternoon. I then switched to Goose Green where I fared much better seeing 3 including 2 males chasing around the top of the trees, the other male staying well away on another oak. It was a bit of a struggle to see any well today, the final sighting was at 16.38 which is when I called it a day. I'm sure a lot more would have been visible if the weather had been more settled and sunny. On the other hand White Admiral and Silver-washed Fritillary numbers were going through the roof. Possibly the most I have ever seen here of both species. Did also see a few Purple Hairstreak and a Hobby flew over. I'm tempted to visit again in a week or so on a better warm sunny day for a better Purple experience. 

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