Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Struggling at Fermyn

A few years ago when I first visited Fermyn I thought it was so easy, Emperors would literally fall at my feet screaming out to be photographed. These last couple of seasons I've struggled. Everyone I speak to have counts of 20, 30 or more, today (28th) I saw 9 and 4 of these were on the deck and only one in pretty decent condition. Actually I thought there was a dearth of butterflies today, maybe 10 SWFs and half a dozen WAs, Commas and Ringlets were most numerous but compared to my visit to Foxley last week even these were poor. Perhaps it's me, this might be my 'bogey' wood or maybe I should take up stamp collecting or morris dancing!
Who needs smelly shrimp paste when a nice fox leaves lunch!
Seen better days

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