Thursday, July 14, 2022

Bernwood Forest 14th July 2022

A couple of males were flying over the oaks at 1000; one in the car park and one by the main track but little further action was apparent until after 1100hrs when one flew fast and low past me, looking to land, along the track near to Bernwood Meadows reserve but infuriatingly found nothing to persuade it to settle on the ground. On returning to the car park at noon a male was found on the ground, lurking in the shade but then flew up to land on a hazel leaf before cruising around the car park bringing that knuckle biting sensation of 'will it won't it' before grounding in the grass for ten minutes  and then cruised off down the main track and rose high up into the oaks. Unfortunately could not see how the afternoon went as had to leave for prior commitment.

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