Thursday, July 7, 2022

Micheldever Woods

After Ashley Whitlock telling me of a report he received about two Purple Emperors on a very expensive sports car  in the car park  at Micheldever wood I decided to take a visit. I had already pinpointed a location within the wood that might be an assembly area which is the location I headed for after I arrived. The weather wasn’t ideal with 100% cloud cover but it was warm and fairly still. Not long after setting off down the main ride I encountered numbers of White Admiral and Silver Washed Fritillary and then caught sight of a Purple Emperor high  in some oaks, a great result for a new site.

Shortly after I spotted another Emperor quartering the ride ahead then land on one side in the longer grass. Sure enough it’s sensors had detected dog poo  and so could my nose! I watched it for a good 30mins whilst it devoured its disgusting meal before it flew up into a hazel to clean up! After Ashley Whitlock telling me of a report he

On the way back I checked the high point and confirmed it as an assembly area as there was a single male on patrol looking for  potential opponents. 

On the journey home I dropped in to Whitely Pastures where my son has recently rented offices. We walked down the main ride where I was able to show him his first Purple Emperors. In all I saw eight including my first female along with lots of fresh Comma and a pleasing number of White Admiral. This site is having a very productive year. 

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