Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Tues July 12th

Oven-like cloud conditions all day, dulling over from 3.30... The National Festival of Biting Clegs, which love muggy humid weather,

Failed to find male territories or spot egging females in Cirencester Park Woods, during an epic visit. All I saw was one flitting at the back of a sallow jungle, sex uncertain but male by size.

Then an inspired mid-afternoon move took me to a sheltered high point along the top of the Frome valley between Sapperton and Frampton Mansel (i.e. half way between Cirencester and Stroud). And there, by a small car park, two or three males were kicking off - 

This is at the extreme west end of a long straight ride through woodland and fields, fringed by trees, ending before a steep wooded valley with many sallows.

So, I have now seen Emperors for 27 consecutive days. I'm returning to Knepp tomorrow so I should fulfil the full 30 Days Purple challenge - quite an achievement for someone hobbling around on one leg awaiting a knee replacement off today's NHS...  I may then go for 40 Days & 40 Nights, which would take me into the nether regions of sanity. Emperor season without end, Amen...

Elsewhere, a very patchy day: good activity locally, by some observers, heat suppression elsewhere. Pot luck. Good luck...

By the way, the Purple Emperor ecology research group has its own WhatsApp group, which is active all year round (daily in the summer). Many of us follow the insect through in the wild, following larvae in hibernation etc; several of us are surveying regions or counties; all of us are serious devotees. Like minds are welcome to join (you need to be on WhatsApp and wing me your mobile number, I'm on 07771 971488.  Please don't email me, I can't cope in season. Note that this is not a competitive photography group).  

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