Friday, June 30, 2023

Friday 30th June 2023

Given the poor weather forecast, it was understandable that the masses gave Fermyn a miss today. And so, walking there beneath leaden skies, it proved to be a lonely place. The first two hours were fruitless, but on the stroke of 11 o’clock, the cloud lifted slightly, and it became somewhat brighter for just over an hour. During this short weather-window, male Purple Emperors dropped to the ground, and I saw two groups of three in quick succession. In total, 9 males were recorded in this period, all grounded. Light levels then began to diminish, and the Emperors receded almost as quick as they had appeared. I then had to wait over an hour to see one final male flying over the ride and then ascending into the oak canopy, looking for a place to roost up as the sky looked threatening. And then, sure enough, at 2 o'clock it began to drizzle, and it was 'game over' for the day.

Purple Emperor - Head-on Shot

Male Purple Emperor

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