Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Wed June 28th

To the list of birds violently attacked by Emperor males please add the illustrious name of Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo, one of which was chased for a fair way over Hammer Pond at Knepp this afternoon. 

My personal chase list includes Lesser Splatted Woodpecker, Great Splatted Woodpecker, Splatted Flycatcher, Siskin, Crossbill, Red Kite, Goshawk, Hobby (which didn't end well), Heron, White Stork and now Cormorant. But I missed out on the Mallard-hybrid duck which Neil saw...

For the record, males were sallow searching avidly today, until about 3pm when they started to set up territories - then it got too windy.

It is supposed to rain late in the night / early in the morning. That will dampen the dusty rides, and should encourage a mass descent of males in search of sustenance tomorrow. Be there!

At Knepp, though, they should stop descending to feed soon, probably after the weekend.  

This will be the weekend to visit Fermyn Woods, if you want to see males on rides...

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