Thursday, July 6, 2023

Thurs July 6th: Back at Knepp...

 Back at Knepp. The sun came out to play for the afternoon, but with it came a Moderate SSW wind, which died down after 4.30 to allow a nice evening flight. 

The Emperor is now at peak season here. Females are still emerging (a mating pair was seen today, involving a freshly emerged Empress; another pairing was seen yesterday). 

Males are still active in the mornings, and searching the sallows for girls, but have almost certainly stopped descending to feed from the tracks.  

I'll count them tomorrow, which is supposed to be hot and sunny, and hopefully with less wind. This should be my peak season count. Watch this space...

Here's Herself getting plastered on oak sap today. Note the small white bead - this is what they feed on -

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