Friday, June 28, 2024

Fri June 28th: The National Festival of Stratocumulus Cloud

Doings within the Purple Empire today were severely restricted by a near-solid blanket of Stratocumulus Cloud - I'd like to send Stratocumulus Cloud into Room 101.

At Knepp, things started well with this recently emerged male feeding for 20 mins on Lord Knows What on the end of a dead bramble stem 2m up in a hedge -

Thereafter, Emperors erupted in the oaks whenever the cloud cover relented, though the longest break lasted only 15 minutes.  

Males are still emerging there, and the bulk of the female emergence is still to come. The Emperor is rapidly approaching peak season at Knepp, though elsewhere it is still only just getting going. Do visit - for visiting details scroll back to June 18th...

The best male territories at Knepp are marked out with purple posts (we didn't have enough posts for all the territories, so some are marked with purple bunting, and other good viewing places are marked with purple ribbon). This cheeky Red Ad took a fancy to one of the purple posts -

This does look like a genuinely good Emperor year, with glowing reports of large numbers at other sites, including Theberton Woods in Suffolk. Obviously, much depends on the weather from now on.

To the woods, this weekend, the lot of you!

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