Sunday, August 19, 2012

Certainly ain't over yet in Sav!

An Extreme Butterflying day, with a memorable ending. 

Began with an early morning visit to Shipton Bellinger Roughs, West Hampshire, in hope of seeing Brown Hairstreaks pairing (only the 24 I saw all seemed male, and they had quietened right down by 11am).  Then off to Broughton Down in hope of seeing Silver-spotted Skippers laying eggs, only they were few and far between, hyper-active and inapproachable in oven-like weather, but I did see some egg-laying females.  (Memo: don't work SSS in extreme heat, it makes them hyper).

En route home I dropped in at Savernake at 3.45, and was delighted to see two frayed males slugging it out at the Dead Beech Glade (No 1 territory), where there was only a single male yesterday.  There must be several days left in the flight season here, though this may be my final encounter with the Monarch of all the Butterflies this season.

And the ending?  Counted 65 Peacocks on Buddleias in our garden at 5.15!

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