Sunday, August 19, 2012

It ain't over yet (in Hertfordshire)!

After a day that started by looking for Brown Hairstreaks over the border! We arrived back at Northaw at 1.30 just after a short deluge. Within seconds of looking what appeared to be a very frail old man turned up, who did a few twirls and flew off. Returned again only to be accompanied by a very smart young man but the frail old man was in hot pursuit and not vice versa! They did a few big twirls and then the larger Emperor took over. Only for a short while later for the smaller Emperor to return. When viewed through the binoculars he wasn't frail just very small and still appeared to be perfectly formed! The smaller male made less appearances but we were quite surprised to see two active Emperors at the Northaw territory on the 19th August when our first sighting there had been on the 4th July! These certainly hadn't got a battering in the recent winds although I believe our side of the country didn't get it quite so bad? Liz with Andrew and Laurence

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