Thursday, July 11, 2013

Hampshire Doings

Spent the day flitting between Surrey and Hampshire and after seeing a couple of males  oak edging at Botany Bay I headed over to Alice Holt.
A couple of cycle rides at first produced nothing but lo and behold the Honourable Mr.Hulme emerged from a bramble patch with an Emporer imbibing from his trousers - hotly pursued by two female photographers intent on capturing the definitive photograph! I had visited Alice for the last five days withe no sightings and this gentleman was only here for five minutes and mayhem ensues!
The male took great delight I teasing us all, perching on a deer tower and when Neil ascended to its level it simply descended to land on his boot - where else? It happens every year.
The antics involved as Mr Hulme attempted to both photograph the individual whilst hanging from a ladder with one hand, then attempting to descend back to earth without dislodging Himself are the subject of a video which is now in safe keeping for posterity.
His Majesty never did descend to ground level - as befits his status - and despite  waiting until five o'clock those that wanted the 'double purple' shot on the ground will have to wait for another day.
In total I manged to see five different individuals, three at high point territories and two on the rides the last one at 18:40
I definitely has not started properly yet - perhaps tomorrow.

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