Thursday, July 11, 2013

Not out in Savernake

A thorough search of the main male territories in Savernake today produced a blank, and a rather nasty last wicket partnership by our friends down under in the First Test.  The butterfly habitually starts late here, and then lasts well into August.  It should be imminent.

Generally, it seems that males are emerging steadily in most districts now.  The early running has been made by Bookham Common (always an early starter), Botany Bay in the Chiddingfold Woods, and Overley Wood in Warwickshire.  But Fermyn has now kicked off (the traffic jam will tail back to the Thrapston interchange)...  

It's too early to say how the season is shaping up numbers-wise (I don't think any females have been seen yet).  My own view is that there should be quite a reasonable emergence this year (based on low levels of predation on hibernating larvae), but much depends on flight season weather.

If this hot weather continues then it will be a short but sharp season... 

Meanwhile, here's a Mountain Ringlet aberration caeca I photographed on Grey Knotts on Monday, and a rather nice female -

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