Friday, July 14, 2017

North Dorset Woods Part 2

With the weather being perfect and after yesterdays success at locating Emperor eggs in the Cranborne Chase area i decided to try again at seeing HIM but in another part of the complex so headed to the woods near Tollard Royal . Once clear of the conifers the woods opened up into mature ancient woodland full of huge oaks , ash and broad leaved sallows . In the first clearing Herself flew into the crown of a sallow , presumably egg laying before flying out and not to be seen again . Minutes later a male was seen flying around an oak before finally moving on after being annoyed by the Red Admiral activity , which seem to have emerged in huge numbers over the last few days . Moving on to the next clearing which was dominated by a huge oak , and amazingly it had two males battling it out around the canopy . Taking the route back yet another male was seen this time perched on a prominent sprig of oak . Considering I have only ever seen single sightings in these woods , to come across five in a relatively small area and in the space of an hour makes me wonder how unrecorded HIM is in N Dorset .

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