Thursday, July 13, 2017

North Dorset Emperor

With the season starting so early I had only visited guaranteed sites (Knepp and Bentley Wood ) before I went on holiday . Now back in the country I thought I'd try my local woods of North Dorset and Cranborne Chase where HIM flies but is spread thinly over a large area . With a previous report of sightings last week from N Dorset and good conditions the usual woodland species were abundant especially egg laying S W Frits but HIM failed to appear. I decided to search for eggs as the sallows are predominantly of the broad leaved variety with very few crosses and many in suitably shaded locations .In the space of an hour 3 eggs were located on 3 separate trees , proof undeniable that HIM is alive and seemingly doing well , and keeping Dorset purple . Will be returning at the weekend in the hope of seeing HIM before the season burns out .

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