Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Possible influence of sudden changes of light and temperature on tree-top activity

The afternoon of the 30th of June was dull but warmish [20 to 21 degrees] in the BBW [best Bucks wood]. Mick Campbell and I stood looking up at a line of Oaks above Sallows; nothing moved until, for a brief spell, there was hazy sunshine. Immediately we saw two pairs taking off and skirmishing about 30 metres apart; they sank without trace back into the canopy as soon as the sun disappeared.
On the 8th of July we returned to the same spot under completely different conditions: hot and sunny, windless, 25 degrees. Again we waited, staring up at the canopy. Nothing happened until a few wisps of white cloud obscured the sun, and this was accompanied by a slight breeze; immediately, a pair rose into the sky, clashing. Quickly, the clouds moved away, the breeze dropped, as did the activity.
Does HIM need a sudden change in the atmospheric conditions to stir him?

1 comment:

  1. Dennis, Coming back to you again on your dispersion theory. Eliot Taylor (EM butterfly conservation) states that Iris is now present in four Rutland Woods and the numbers are increasing. Rutland is probably 15-20 miles north of Fermyn.


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