Thursday, June 21, 2018

Day 7 at Knepp - Boycott & Tavare batting

A much slower day, hindered by a gusty NNW wind, and a cool night and start to the day. Few Emperors got up before 11.45, and were then regularly rendered quiescent by the wind, which produced a lot of Fresh gusts. Gradually, the gaps between the gusts lengthened and activity increased.  

I managed to see 56, slightly down on yesterday. The males were scarcely establishing territories, due to the wind. I think only a few emerged today, probably due to the cool night.  

Today's highlight: To the list of birds attacked by Emperors during the 21st century please add the illustrious name of the White Stork! Knepp is hosting the official UK reintroduction of this bird. One of the penned birds foolishly took to the air today and instantly regretted it... We also have (a wild) Great White Egret at Knepp, so hopefully that will get The Treatment soon...

Four males were seen down on cowpats today, one of which generated this classic photo of a prostrate Neil Hulme -

I think it's still early days for Emperors here - Purple Hairstreak and White-letter Hairstreak have yet to get going properly. 


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