Thursday, June 21, 2018

Knepp: don't just look up!

Hi all, 

Thanks to Matthew's new Whatsapp group and Dennis's suggestion that we share our "purple bios" on it, I now feel like I have a sense of who might be reading these posts - brilliant ideas all round. 

To what Matthew has already written about Knepp I only wanted to add that it's now worth exercising some care as you walk the pathways there. I put several emperors up yesterday and saw a respectable six come down. Though I spent quality time with only two, it could have been more if I hadn't dawdled once and been caught napping twice. 

It seems the emperors' relationship with the ground is changing at this wondrous site. In terms of groundings, it may not be Fermyndous yet, but it is becoming Knepptacular. 

It was a treat to spend yesterday with Matthew and Neil, who were very generous with their time. Thank you chaps. 

Happy hunting all. 


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