Saturday, June 23, 2018

Joining the party at Knepp

Fab few hours at Knepp today, was too late to book myself onto a safari so decided to go and see what I could find by myself and to be honest, there were so many Emperors everywhere you looked that we never went more than a few minutes without seeing one. Started the day with two on a sap run, shortly after came across one on the ground, though quite flighty so a good photo evaded me. Had my 75 year old Mum with me, so didnt go too far but saw 51 in the few hours we were there and that was taking things at a leisurely pace. Highlight was seeing a group of 8 frantically flying in what could only be described as a swarm around the tops of some large oaks.

We stayed and watched in this location for a good twenty minutes, gazing up in awe at the numbers and although a few came and went, there were constantly threes and fours chasing each other. I forgot to mention some lovely views of a female at head height who allowed me some great close up shots. We started at about 10 and left by 2, but it certainly was a magical few hours and well worth the 5 hour round trip. Took a couple of videos, will try to add them later.

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