Sunday, June 24, 2018

Lonely at Fermyn

Arrived early to secure my parking spot at Fermyn only to find that everybody was watching Oates raise his bat in celebration of another ton at Knepp. Could not believe that I spent over three hours in Lady Wood before I saw another person. Something surreal and peaceful being alone with pristine male Emperors flitting down the main ride.
Fermyn Wood, on the path from the gliding club, has been felled 10 metres back on the left hand side leaving, for this year at least, a wasteland with much more light, that may be good news in future years. Its looks as though they are trying to create a network of rides through the wood with new rides every 20 metres or so, perpendicular to the main track. This year there is virtually nothing to be seen in Fermyn Wood. Lady Wood, however, looks set for a good year. Fourteen males were mainly exploring the main oaks and the rides on what must be day 3 at Fermyn.

Enjoyed the lull before the storm. Two Camilla but no Quercus yet, so, for the moment, Knepp is definitely the place to see Iris.

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