Friday, June 23, 2023

4 Purple Emperors all down at Alice Holt today

It looked like the perfect day for a trip to Alice Holt to search for early Purple Emperors but it did not start well as I was told off by a dog walker for parking on the verge at Straits Inclosure entrance even though I as parked carefully and not blocking anyone (some locals do not like the pilgrims much), so I moved the car to avoid trouble. I ventured into Straits Inclosure and soon found my first male down on the track at 9.40. He was very restless and kept flying low short distances, nevertheless he stayed down for well over an hour. My next encounter was near the Abbots Wood car park with another male down at 12.30, this one staying down but still mobile however much more approachable as he found a good selection of poo to imbibe from.Isaw another 2 down at 14.20 and finally at 14.40. These were tending to search out the shadier spots but were determined to stay down to have their fill. All 4 were box fresh males, a wonderful spectacle, so things are looking good here. Interestingly I saw none flying high over the woodland at all. Mike Gibbons

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