Friday, June 23, 2023

Fri June 23rd Update

Not many of us ventured out today.

At Knepp, males were coming down to feed on Neil's baits on the rides with remarkable frequency, and this male came down to the edge of a muddy puddle -

At least two females were seen, including a mating pair in the top of a small oak, joining at 3.40 (the usually mate for 3 hrs 40 mins...).  A female was also seen in S Hants.  

At Knepp, either the butterfly has been out for much longer than we think, or we are witnessing the start of a very large emergence. The facts that White Admiral hasn't started here yet, only a single Silver-washed Fritillary has been seen, Marbled White, Ringlet and Small Skipper are only now emerging properly, and that Purple Hairstreak is only just starting, all suggest the latter...

Use this weekend well... ... ...


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