Saturday, July 1, 2023

Sat July 1st

A rather too cloudy start to the month at Knepp in Sussex, but Emperors erupted there whenever the sun came out.

Good to see two mating pairs: one just finishing (they got busted up by a rogue male, as happens) in oak at 11.50; the other paired right at the top of a tall Corsican Pine tree at noon, we left them there - 


We are having serious problems with marauding hobbies at Knepp this season. Three of the wretched birds seen today. They took three Purple Emperor males, who attacked them. Here are some bits -

Finally, iterum atque iterum, in these westerly winds, go leeward: work east-facing edges.  Leeward, leeward, ever leeward, even if it's in shade. Emperors gather on the leeward side.  

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