Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Predicted Start

The first Purple Emperor of 2024 will be seen on June 16th, probably in the early afternoon.  

That will be in the Sussex - Surrey - South London region, where the season commences earlier (or NW Kent, if anyone looks there).  In other regions, the butterfly wont start much before June 23rd.  

Please note that I once got one of these annual predictions spot on!!!

Peak season period will encompass the last five or six days of June and the first week of July.  

Do not bother looking after July 23rd, except in the northern reaches of the Empire and at known late-flying sites.

Adult numbers could be high, given that winter survival rates were relatively good and, crucially, that the weather during the bulk of the pupal period looks to be set fair - but much depends on flight season weather.   

Watch this space...  

Contact me if you want to join the PE WhatsApp group, of avid Emperor watchers and studiers (though please note that it is not a photographers group, though many of us also take photos): matthew@matthew-oates.co.uk  


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