Thursday, August 1, 2024

Into August!

The 2024 Purple Emperor season lingers on... This male was on territory near Sapperton, Glos (<1 mile from Daneway Banks, of large blue fame - though it's actually Purple, there's a minor PE territory in the Bank's NW corner) - 

He was in a classic sheltered high point canopy gap territory - 

The most seen there at a time last year was four, this year's maximum is two.

For the record, I have now seen iris in the wild in the UK for 181 consecutive months. That's what obsession looks like... Don't go there...

Also today, females were seen in Bernwood Forest, Bucks/Oxon, and at Knepp in W Sussex - 45 days after the first sighting there!

However, severe thundery deluges hit Oxon, N Wilts, Hants etc. late in the day (but not Sapperton). That would end the season in affected sites.  

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