Thursday, July 11, 2024

Thurs July 11th: Decimated at Knepp...

Succinctly, as I'm worn out...  Knepp's magnificent Emperors have been clobbered at peak season, by foul & abusive weather. It's an exposed site, and the numpties insist in roosting in treetop sprays - rather than on the sheltered side of oak limbs... Also, I suspect that many / some simply get borne away on windy sunny days, like yesterday - part of their distribution strategy.

Today, I walked the Knepp PE transect. It takes >2 hours and covers 2km. I expected 20-25, down from 45 last week, but saw only 8.

The good news is that PEs are still emerging at Knepp in low numbers - a few females and perhaps even the odd late male. But I suspect that the Knepp flight season wont last much beyond July 21st (they've already been out for 24 days).

Also, and crucially, very soon they will stop flying at Knepp during the mornings and become afternoon butterflies.

Here's a battered survivor, photoed today -

Elsewhere, the season is less far advanced. Males are still coming down to feed on the rides in Fermyn Woods, Northants. 

Everywhere needs a spell of settled fine weather, and doesn't need another wet or windy spell... 


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