Yesterday 4.7.19, I fulfilled an ambition and visited Knepp. Having braved the Chichester traffic I still arrived just after 9.00 when the heat was building. Using my colourful little map I picked up at reception I eagerly made my way around the area following the thoughtfully provided purple ribbons. I saw my first male Purple Emperor around 9.30 fleetingly over an Oak and that was it for a while. I was suitably chastised by MRO when I met him and Neil Hulme guiding a group for not seeing more. Just 10 minutes later I was watching a newly emerged female down low on bramble leaves, things were looking up. I walked and walked, even getting lost at one point in the sunny hot conditions, and at around 11.00 the Emperors started to come out to play. I saw around 30 all day around the public rights of way, especially Green Lane. Fantastic views of chasing and effortless flights all around the area. Perhaps the other highlight was an early evening walk with 2 or 3 Purple Emperors chasing each other with around 30+ Purple Hairstreaks annoying them.
Also heard about a female aberration being seen by two lucky observers!
I also saw 3 White Storks thermalling, a Turtle Dove along with my first Gatekeeper of the year. Did not get home until 21.00. Not a bad day out.
Newly emerged female
Female in slightly better light
Tie a purple ribbon round the old oak tree!
One of three White Storks riding the thrrmals
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