Monday, July 17, 2023

Mon July 17th: Counting Survivors...

Back at Knepp today. It was rather too windy (yet again!) but I managed to walk the PE transect. This totalled only 10 (including 3 females), down from 30 in less than ideal weather last Thursday. 

Allowing for the wind, this suggests that numbers may be down by 50% since just before the St Swithun's Day gale... 

But I'll find out tomorrow, when I'll have another, proper stab at the transect - it's supposed to be sunny, with only a light wind... ... ...

Males weren't holding territory before 2.30, probably because they were busy feeding up.

All told, I saw 20 PE today, most of them females. The majority were feeding up on oak sap and were torn and worn. None was in good condition - 

You might think that PEs would have the sense to roost out gales on the sheltered side of branches and trunks, but most try to roost in the oak sprays - and get shredded. 

My feeling, and I'll confirm tomorrow, is that there may well be less than a week of the season left at Knepp. Don't travel far to visit Knepp for PEs, you're too late: come next year instead.


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